Young woman signing documents

List of equivalent jurisdictions

The list of equivalent jurisdictions is published by the Isle of Man Government under ‘The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Code 2019’ regulations. It specifies jurisdictions which are considered to operate laws of approximately equivalent standard to those of the Isle of Man.

Albania Czech Republic Latvia Saint Lucia
Andorra Denmark Lesotho Samoa
Antigua & Barbuda Dominican Republic Liechtenstein San Marino
Armenia Estonia Lithuania Saudi Arabia
Aruba Fiji Luxembourg Serbia
Austria Finland Macao Seychelles
Azerbaijan France Malawi Singapore
The Bahamas Georgia Malaysia Slovenia
Bahrain Germany Malta Spain
Bangladesh Ghana Mauritius Sri Lanka
Barbados Greece Mexico St Vincent-Grenadines
Belgium Gibraltar Monaco Sweden
Bermuda Guatemala Mongolia Switzerland
Bhutan Guernsey Morocco Taiwan
Botswana Honduras Netherlands Thailand
Brazil Hong Kong New Zealand Trinidad & Tobago
British Virgin Islands Hungary Nicaragua Tunisia
Cambodia Iceland North Macedonia Turks & Caicos
Canada Indonesia Norway United Kingdom
Cayman Islands Ireland Panama United Arab Emirates
Chile Israel Paraguay United States
China Italy Peru Uruguay
Colombia Japan Poland Uzbekistan
Cook Islands Jersey Portugal Vanuatu
Costa Rica Jordan Qatar Vatican (Holy See)
Cyprus Korean Republic Romania Zambia

Source: Isle of Man Government website, March 2024.