Zurich gives employees a helping hand to reduce carbon footprint

ArticleMay 2, 2023

Sam Bowman is first IOM employee to sign-up for Sustainability At Home scheme.

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Zurich on the Isle of Man has launched an innovative scheme to help employees cover the cost of reducing their personal or family carbon footprint, and reduce their energy bills.

The leading insurer’s Sustainability At Home initiative offers employees the chance to apply for an interest free loan to help them manage the significant financial investment which can be required. There’s a wide range of things it can be used for – including insulation, double glazing, solar panels and smart technology devices, or even buying an electric vehicle. The Sustainability At Home scheme is open to all Zurich employees who are Isle of Man residents.

Sam Bowman, who is a Project Manager at the company’s Zurich House office, Isle of Man Business Park, is the first employee here on the Island to take part in the scheme. He used the interest free loan to help him buy solar panels and an Eco-Smart Energy Diverter (a smart technology device which improves the efficiency of solar panels by using any excess power that’s generated to heat water). Sam said: “With energy bills and the cost of living increasing I was keen to reduce my energy costs, and my carbon footprint. I wanted to take advantage of solar power technology, but the initial outlay can be quite daunting even though the pay-back period is only around eight years in my case. I would not have been able to afford it without the Sustainability At Home interest-free loan, which was super easy to apply for and approval was granted quickly. I’d certainly recommend it to any colleagues wanting to benefit from this type of technology.”

Karen Mercer, Head of Human Resources at Zurich on the Isle of Man, commented: “Many congratulations to Sam for being the first on the Island to sign-up for this scheme. Across the business there is a very strong commitment to reducing carbon footprints at work and at home and it’s great that we are able to provide our employees with an accessible way to invest in the technology that they need to be more energy efficient.”

The scheme is just the latest in a long line of initiatives which are part of Zurich’s local and global commitment to sustainability. Earlier this month Zurich on the Isle of Man announced that it had cut its electricity consumption by a quarter over a period of three years (2019-2022), resulting in a significant reduction in its carbon footprint too. This was achieved by a range of measures including significant changes in working practices, installation of smart technology in the office, and a high level of staff engagement.

Zurich is also a leader on the Island regarding investment in renewable energy. In July last year a solar power system (which is the biggest project of its type on the Island) went live and is on track to provide up to 70% of Zurich House’s annual electricity needs. Zurich House is the company’s offices at Isle of Man Business Park.
