
Instant Life Cover for Isle of Man Residents

Plan for the future, today


YourLife is a life insurance policy which pays a lump sum if you die during the term of the policy. There is no need to undergo any medical tests when applying. Everything is done online and you are covered as soon as you complete the application.

What can YourLife do for you?

In the event of your death during the term of the policy, YourLife will pay a lump sum to provide financial protection for your family e.g. to cover debts or mortgage repayments.

How to apply?

Simply click here and follow the on-screen instructions. There are no medical tests involved - just a short health questionnaire. You must answer all questions truthfully and accurately, as failure to do so may result in us not paying a claim.

Key features

Level or decreasing cover

Level or decreasing cover

Choose between level cover, where the benefit amount stays the same throughout the policy term, or decreasing cover, where the benefit amount reduces annually throughout the policy term set out in your policy schedule.

Life cover

Life cover

Life cover is available from £50,000 up to £500,000 and pays out in the event of your death.

Accidental death benefit

Accidental death benefit

If selected, an additional lump sum of 50% of the current life cover amount will be paid if you die as a result of an accident.

Terminal illness cover

Terminal illness cover

If selected, a lump sum will be paid as an advance of the current life cover amount if a terminal illness is diagnosed, provided diagnosis occurs at least 18 months before the end of the policy term.

Contact us

Any questions, doubts or suggestions? Leave us your comments and we will contact you as soon as possible.
